Boosting Backflow Revenue with Elements XS

Justin Gough
21.03.23 05:40 PM Comment(s)

Sunriver Utilities Boosts Revenue Using Elements XS for Backflow Testing

Located in Central Oregon, Sunriver Utilities has been using Elements XS for nearly ten years.  Sunriver's Elements XS deployment has been integrated with their enterprise GIS and utility billing software since the beginning and over the years they've tacked many obstacles using Elements XS.

Sunriver Oregon

Recently, Sunriver moved their backflow testing into Elements XS in an effort to streamline operations and increase revenue.  As of this writing, the number of backflow devices tested is at an all-time high and the time between finding a defective device and notifying the appropriate people to get the issue resolved has greatly decreased.

Staff are spending less time sharing information and the company is enjoying a higher rate of return on labor hours as a result of team members working in a single unified system, getting more done in less time.

Learn more about Sunriver here:

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Justin Gough